"The Question of Originality"
Original means not derived from something else; fresh and unusual. Doesn't all great ideas come from someone else original ideas.
The definition of originality by Merriam- Webster Dictionary.
1. quality or state of being original
2. freshness of aspect, design, or style
3. power of independent thought or constructive imagination
Everybody has their own originality or creativity, but it all originates from something or someone. It's comes from some inspiration you see. Not saying you can't come up with your own ideas, but if you look at it, your style is based on something or someone even in art, fashion, or even writing. You get inspired by something. Not saying you should copy everybody, it's important to just be yourself. It isn't any fun trying to be something you're not. Start your own trend, think outside the box, and add your own ideas too it. You don't have to try to fit in, they are people who will like you for you.
Today is another day that's going down in history. For you who doesn't know, but you should it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we remember him for equality, and his famous speech " I Have A Dream". Another significant event is happening, Barack Obama is getting inaugurated with his second term as President. I know this is an important date, for many people, especially young people. I know, because this was my first time voting and my vote actually counted. I can say I voted for the Presidential Election of 2013. I'm so excited, he's the President for 4 more years. I know many people aren't excited and have a lot to criticize Obama about everything, but America spoke, America needs to get better, and the Republicans ideas isn't the best for our society. I'm so honored and proud to call Barack my President. Let him reintroduce himself, Barack Obama the President of the United States of America.